1·The primary content, method and organization of completion measurement for the civic building construction have been studied in detail.
2·The roof extends like a canopy to provide shade, its flowing concrete structure is both symbolic as a civic building and functional in regulating temperatures.
3·Network Rail was keen that the new station should provide a striking civic building that would provide a gateway opportunity not only to Newport, but to Wales herself.
4·The cement material is not only widely used in industrial and civil architecture also applied extensively to traffic, civic building, country irrigation and ocean engineering.
5·The first phase was that of the state-sponsored building of infrastructure, industrialization, expansion of food production and provision of basic rights like education, health and civic amenities.
6·In San Francisco, the main library, a six-story building with gleaming glass walls, is located in the Civic Center, where many homeless people congregate.
7·The new building is a kind of city hub, tying together downtown, the Civic Center, and forming a strong connection to the golden triangle neighborhood.
8·The theatre company was founded in 1992 in the back room of a bookstore and later moved to a larger space within an ageing brick building owned by the Woman's Library Club, a local civic group.
9·The aim is to create a civic space within the project not only for those who use the building but for the city as a whole.
10·Building waste is the main part of the civic rubbish.